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sarah jo almo

yoga for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum


You deserve support and high-quality care on your journey through pregnancy and postpartum. Whether you're dealing with diastasis recti, looking for exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor, or want yoga for birth prep, I'm here for you.

My mission is to help you feel good pregnant, have a peaceful and empowering birth experience, and get stronger in your postpartum body + mind.

Online Programs

My online programs are designed to support you at every stage of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

In-Person Classes

NYC rooftop yoga classes take place May-October.


Get my top 5 yoga poses for birth prep (FREE!) straight to your inbox!

Hi there!

I'm Sarah, NYC-based wife, mom of 3 littles, and dedicated yogi with 15+ years experience. Before teaching yoga, I was a kindergarten teacher so I loveee making tricky things easy to understand!

I believe yoga is THE tool you need to navigate the intricate journey of motherhood with confidence and ease. I'm all about strengthening the body, the mind, and the connection between the two (and learning to relax, too!).

My mission is to help you feel good pregnant, have a peaceful and empowering birth, and be stronger than ever before in your postpartum body.

Leave behind your endless Google searches on strengthening pelvic floor muscles, healing diastasis recti, or finding "safe" exercises for pregnancy. Instead, allow me the honor of guiding you with expert knowledge, compassionate care, and tailor-made yoga techniques.

Wanna know more? Click the button below and let's get this thing going!


Pregnancy & Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist

200 hr YTT (Yoga with Carson Academy)

Pre/Postnatal (MOGA)

Vinyasa Immersion (Awakening Yoga Academy)


 online programs

Scroll down to see each program and find your best fit!

Preparing for Birth gets your body + mind ready for the marathon of birth.

Learn more

First 6 Weeks helps you ease into recovery and return to exercise after having your baby. 

Learn more

Mama Core Workshop helps you understand, strengthen, and reconnect to your core and pelvic floor.

Learn more

If you purchase a program and find that you are not satisfied with your purchase, send me an email ([email protected]) with a detailed explanation within 7 days of your purchase to request a refund.

I fully credit Sarah's prenatal yoga class with changing my pregnancy experience and also making labor feel possible. Yoga with Sarah empowered my experience and the mantras were absolutely what got me through contractions! Knowing that Sarah was not only a yoga teacher but also had been through the experience of giving birth (more than once!) made her a trusted resource as I navigated the early days of postpartum life.

Julia, 10 months postpartum

Dana, pregnant with her second

I am so grateful that I had this space to be with other mothers and share in the joys and discomfort of pregnancy during my first trimester- a time when many of our pregnancies are “secret” and we may not have the support and community that we really need.
Sarah is truly a gifted teacher who understands the specific needs of pregnant women and how to work with our anatomy for both physical and mental wellness. I can't wait to do yoga with her again!

Eileen, pregnant with her first

from the blog 

Best Eco Friendly Yoga Blocks for Pregnant Moms

Feb 02, 2025

Easy Pregnancy Ball Stretches: Best for 3rd Trimester

Jan 20, 2025

Benefits of Yoga Squat Pose (Malasana) for Pregnancy

Jan 06, 2025

stay connected

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