Congrats! You've crossed to the other side. But of course this is just the beginning. Take a look at the resources below to find the support you need at this stage of the journey.
OMG you just gave birth!!!
YOU DID IT. Not only did you grow a human, but somehow you got it out of you! You're truly superhuman. I know your baby's cute, BUT don't forget you have needs, too.
Here are some ways to support yourself through this transition:

FREE: Yoga for Birth Recovery
This simple guide will give you 5 yoga poses you can practice daily to alleviate discomforts as you recover from birth and slowly start to reconnect with your body.

FREE: Babywearing Cheat Sheet
I took my most-asked questions about baby wearing and answered them all in this guide for you! You deserve to feel confident in your baby wearing journey.

First 6 Weeks
Ease into recovery and return to exercise with this week-by-week yoga + meditation program for the fourth trimester.
Your baby is how old?!
Already?! How did that happen so fast?! Whether you're starting to feel "like yourself" again, or you're wondering if that day will ever come,
this is for you:

FREE: Resource List for Moms
Maternal mental health resources, how to get your insurance to cover pelvic health PT, questions to ask a prospective day care--it's all in here (+ more!). List includes several NYC resources as well as virtual (worldwide).

FREE: Pelvic Floor Guide
Lots of moms deal with issues every day they don't even realize are related to their pelvic floor! Go through this simple guide to see if what you're experiencing might be pelvic floor-related, too.

Mama Core Workshop
Learn why the crunches and kegels you've been doing for the past 12 months Just. Aren't. Working. (And what to do instead!)
So you've been a mom for a while now...
Whether that's 5 years or 50, the fact is--one day you gave birth, and you're forever changed. A lot of those changes are wondrous. Some of them are...not.
I've got something just for you:

FREE: Reading List for Moms
This reading list includes my favorite motherhood-themed books that have guided or encouraged me in my own journey as a pre/postnatal yoga teacher and mom of 3.

FREE: 5 Ways to Yoga Today
Take back the little moments by incorporating 5 simple yoga techniques into your every day. This guide will help you feel more in tune with your body throughout the day.

Strong After Baby
If you've already watched my core + pelvic floor workshop, you're ready to take your workouts to the next level! This week-by-week program will challenge you and get you stronger than ever before in body and mind.