Finally understand and fix your core + pelvic floor issues, whether you're pregnant, newly postpartum, or years beyond giving birth
$67 - Don't spend another day feeling disconnected from your body. Start rebuilding your core strength today.
What's Really Possible:
- No more peeing when you sneeze, laugh, or exercise
- Comfortable, pain-free intimacy
- A strong, functional core that supports daily activities
- Relief from nagging low back pain
- Understanding your body and feeling in control again
- Confidence in exercise and movement
What You'll Get:
Comprehensive Video Training:
- 3 in-depth instructional videos about pelvic floor function and proper exercise technique
- 1 guided breathing exercise video specifically for pelvic floor activation
- 2 follow-along yoga classes to practice and implement what you've learned
- 2 core + pelvic floor foundation lessons
- 7 downloadable PDF guides for ongoing reference
The Workshop Includes:
Part 1: Why Kegels Aren't the Answer
- Discover what's really happening with your pelvic floor
- Learn the correct way to do pelvic floor exercises (most people do them wrong!)
- Practice proper techniques in a guided yoga session
- Understand how to reduce pushing time during labor
Part 2: The Truth Behind the "Mom Pooch"
- Learn what diastasis recti really is and how to check for it
- Master safe core strengthening techniques for all stages
- Discover how to rebuild core strength (even years after having babies)
- Experience a targeted yoga practice for core reconnection
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is this safe for pregnancy?
Yes! The workshop is designed to support you through pregnancy, birth, and beyond.
Is this a workout program?
No, this is an educational workshop that teaches you how to properly engage your core and pelvic floor, with gentle yoga practices included to help you implement what you learn.
I had my baby years ago - is it too late?
Absolutely not! You can improve your core and pelvic floor function at any time. Many moms see improvements even decades after giving birth.
Do I need special equipment?
No special equipment needed - just your body and a willingness to learn.
Will I have time to complete this?
The workshop is split into two parts that you can watch at your own pace. You have lifetime access to all materials, so you can revisit them whenever you need.
How is this different from just doing kegels?
You'll learn why traditional kegels often don't work (and can sometimes make things worse). This workshop teaches you the complete picture of how your core and pelvic floor work together, and how to properly strengthen both.
$67 - Lifetime Access
Questions? Email [email protected]
Your body deserves to work properly - don't wait another day to start understanding and fixing these issues that no one talks about.